A magical animal vocabulary of the Ukrainian... UA

You are holding a magical book - a guide to the world of birds, both real and created by the rich imagination of the ancient Ukrainians. Birds build their nests on linden trees near the house and in the attic of a high-rise building, in gardens and parks, but above all in fairy tales, legends, parables, carols, shchedrivkas and lullabies. They can easily reach Irium and unlock it with the keys, appearing as demiurge creators and harbingers of the will of the gods. These birds predict the fate of entire nations or simply help mothers calm their babies through the words of lullabies and amusements. From the pages of this book, you will see the fiery first-bird, which the ancient Ukrainians called Sokil-Rid and considered the Creator of the Universe. You will visit the Garden of Eden and admire the maiden birds, its inhabitants. You will go to the bird court and try to do justice together with the bird Judge. You will also learn a lot of interesting things about the Moskal cuckoo, the golden key, the winged messengers of Dazhboh and Veles... However, beware of unclean birds associated with the other world and evil spirits. It is said that they portend evil and bring trouble on their wings.
Autor: Dara Korniy
Wydawnictwo: Vivat
ISBN: 9786171701304
Rok wydania: 2024
Ilość stron: 432