About sex and other issues of interest... UA

Why does the body change as we grow up? Why are breasts, vulvas and penises so different for everyone? Why does body hair grow and why do stretch marks appear? What should you know before having sex for the first time? How to communicate safely on the Internet? What should you do to prevent a condom from breaking and what to do if it does break? I, Ficus Benjamin, knew the answers to all these questions. I did! I had spent ten carefree years on the windowsill in the school nurse's office, caught up in the whirlwind of school events, scientific news, medical conferences, and local gossip. However, it was either fate or a fatal coincidence that I found myself in the locker room of the gym, where girls and boys often share their experiences and secrets while changing clothes. Oh, what events I witnessed! How many answers to questions I could have given, how many myths and stereotypes I could have destroyed, how much advice I could have offered! It turns out that so many people (even adults) do not know important things about their bodies, about physical and mental health.
Autor: Anastasia Zabela
Wydawnictwo: Vivat
ISBN: 9786171703544
Rok wydania: 2024
Ilość stron: 176