Polish for foreigners Extra Edition. Level A1-B1 + CD
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Polski dla cudzoziemców przeznaczony jest dla osób początkujących i średnio zaawansowanych oraz wszystkich, którzy chcą szybko i samodzielnie nauczyć się podstaw języka polskiego. Kurs, w którego skład wchodzi książka oraz dwie płyty audio z nagraniami, uczy 1500 słów i zwrotów niezbędnych na co dzień. Nauka z kursem ułatwi samodzielne porozumiewanie się podczas podróży, w hotelu, w pracy, w restauracji oraz pozwoli na swobodną komunikację w języku polskim. Książka (136 strony) zawiera zapis nagrań, interesujące ćwiczenia, ciekawostki oraz uczy prawidłowej pisowni. Część gramatyczna wyjaśnia najważniejsze zagadnienia, a zamieszczone w książce tabele ułatwiają zapamiętanie materiału. Dołączone do książki wysokiej jakości nagrania (150 min) native speakerów pozwalają osłuchać się z językiem, poznać jego melodię oraz prawidłowy polski akcent. Polski dla cudzoziemców polecany jest do samodzielnej nauki w podróży, w domu, w samochodzie. Ucz się, gdziekolwiek jesteś! Opanuj podstawy języka i zacznij wreszcie rozmawiać!
Polish for Foreigners is a self-study course for beginners AND intermediate students AND for those who would like to learn the bases of the Polish language. The course includes a coursebook AND 2 audio CDs with high quality recordings. It will teach you 1500 words AND expressions essential for everyday conversations as well as enable you to communicate in Polish while travelling, in a hotel, at work, at a restaurant. The course will help you to acquire basic competencies in spoken Polish. The book (136 pages) includes transcriptions of recorded material, interesting exercises, cultural notes ON Polish traditions. It will also teach you correct pronunciation. In grammar section you will find explanation of grammar problems as well as charts that will help you to study AND memorise Polish grammar. The course includes high quality recordingsprovided ON the CD (150 mins). The material has been recorded by Polish native speakers, which will enable you to get used to the sounds AND intonations of the Polish language as well as to know the correct Polish accent. Polish for Foreigners is reccomended as a self-study course. Learn wherever you are! At home, while travelling, in your car. Learn the bases of Polish AND start to speak!
Polish for Foreigners is a self-study course for beginners AND intermediate students AND for those who would like to learn the bases of the Polish language. The course includes a coursebook AND 2 audio CDs with high quality recordings. It will teach you 1500 words AND expressions essential for everyday conversations as well as enable you to communicate in Polish while travelling, in a hotel, at work, at a restaurant. The course will help you to acquire basic competencies in spoken Polish. The book (136 pages) includes transcriptions of recorded material, interesting exercises, cultural notes ON Polish traditions. It will also teach you correct pronunciation. In grammar section you will find explanation of grammar problems as well as charts that will help you to study AND memorise Polish grammar. The course includes high quality recordingsprovided ON the CD (150 mins). The material has been recorded by Polish native speakers, which will enable you to get used to the sounds AND intonations of the Polish language as well as to know the correct Polish accent. Polish for Foreigners is reccomended as a self-study course. Learn wherever you are! At home, while travelling, in your car. Learn the bases of Polish AND start to speak!
Kraj produkcji: Polska
EDGARD Mariusz Jachimczuk
Belgijska 11/6
02-511 Warszawa (Polska)
tel: 48 22 8531138
email: wydawnictwo@edgard.pl
Autor: Opracowanie zbiorowe
Wydawnictwo: Edgard
ISBN: 9788377889534
Rok wydania: 2019
Format: 23,5 x 16,5 x 4 cm